"BIG MISTAKE, HUGE": Healing Through Ghosting

July 16, 2023 Carmen Alicia Ramos Season 2 Episode 8

Ever found yourself stuck in a painful memory that suddenly resurfaces from the past? Picture this - a decade ago, I was in LA for an audition, freshly divorced and emotionally raw. A potential beau invited me to stay with him, only to ghost me, leaving me stranded and devastated. Fast forward to the present day, and the universe pulls a surprising twist 
In this episode, we take an emotional deep dive into the world of ghosting, vulnerability, and the profound impact of celestial shifts on our emotional well-being. As the moon treads into Cancer, it's a time of heightened emotions and a need for vulnerability. This emotional upheaval creates the perfect atmosphere to examine our relationships, the essence of communication, and the crucial importance of treating each other with kindness and respect. So buckle up, and join me on this rollercoaster ride, exploring the complexities of human interactions and the journey of self-discovery and emotional growth. Experience the cathartic release that comes with open conversations about deep-seated emotions and the healing power of apologies.

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Speaker 1:

Hi everyone, my name is Carmen Ramos and you're listening to my Chic Intuition. So last week's episode we were talking about Mr Big and how he has a big impact in my journey, and if you haven't listened to that episode, I would suggest you go listen to it now and understand who Mr Big is. See, this week's episode I'm going to be talking about something different and something really interesting. I had a really big Julia Roberts moment in Pretty Woman where she goes big mistake, huge. So let's take it back. We're taking it back like 10 years ago. I get an email and it's like hey, you have an audition to go shoot for this publication out in LA. In the meantime, I was talking to somebody on Facebook and we were getting to know each other and he also lived in LA and we were just vibing and everything. And I was like, hey, I got an email saying I have an audition for this. I want to meet you as well, maybe I should come out there. And he was like, yeah, no, definitely you can stay with me. So I was like okay, so what I'm going to do is I'm going to get a hotel for like two nights and then come hang out with you and like get to know you better and everything. And this was like 10 years ago.

Speaker 1:

So I land at LAX, right, I'm ready, I'm excited, I have this huge audition and I'm meeting this potential boyfriend of mine, right. So I'm like in my head like, oh, this is going to be the best time ever. I'm so excited, this is going to be great. And at the same time I was going through my divorce, so like I was just going through a lot of emotions in life at that time. So there comes a day, right. So he comes and sees me and we're like having the best time ever. And you know, we go to the restaurant, we're eating, we're enjoying our time, we're getting to know each other, some laughs, and then he stays with me at the hotel for the two nights. So then the day of my audition comes and I'm like, okay, I'm going to go audition. And then he's like okay, and then I'll come pick you up afterwards. And I was like, okay, sounds good.

Speaker 1:

So I go to my audition and I'm meeting a bunch of great people, I'm having the best time ever, and I'm texting him and he's just going cold, like there's no texting back. So then after my audition, I go to the hotel and I leave everything at the hotel, like at the lobby, like my luggage and everything, because I didn't want to carry it at my audition. So I hit him up and he is not responding or answering me and I was like, okay, that's weird. And then so it was getting late at night, I like spent literally five hours waiting at the hotel.

Speaker 1:

So I hit up my girl, christina, because I met Christina through my ex-husband who lived in San Diego at the time. So I hit her up and I was like, hey, I'm going through the situation right now. Can you help me? So she was like yeah, of course. Like she's always been nice, she's always been there for me. So she's like just take the Amtrak to San Diego and I'll come pick you up. And I was like, okay, sounds good. So she comes, picks me up and everything.

Speaker 1:

And I'm just there like, oh my God, like I can't believe this is going on right now. I can't believe this guy ditched me, I can't believe I took his word for it and everything Right. And then he hits me up randomly. He's like, oh, I'm so sorry. Like that happened. Like I was just going through a lot and I was like, oh my God, like he's a terrible human. So let's fast forward now how the universe works.

Speaker 1:

So I see him in one of the apps and I'm just like you'll know when to scroll left. And then I get on the other app and he writes on the app Whoa, was like like hard eyes. So then I wrote didn't you live in Atlanta at one point? And he goes I did Explamation point in Santa Monica, did you? Or might have we talked before Like playing stupid, right? So then I wrote um, yeah, you're the asshole fucking ditched me when I was supposed to stay with you years ago. Real class act. I gave him the finger and I wrote I would never match you, I just wanted to let you know how disgusting your behavior was. So that was my moment. That was my Julia Roberts moment, where I was like big mistake, huge, because he, like you know, he saw me and everything and I just glowed up.

Speaker 1:

So then he finds me on On Instagram and he DMs me and he goes hey, so listen, I wanted to sincerely apologize for the way I acted when we met. I was immature, idiotic, mentally fucked up dick. There's no excuse for it, absolutely none, and I'm so sorry, carmen. I went through some severe therapy over the years mostly the last year and a half and that taught me about how to treat people not just women, but people with the respect they deserve. I've actually looked for you on socials in the past, but it wouldn't have mattered, since I wouldn't have been able to give you the heartfelt apology you deserved, seeing as you're famous now.

Speaker 1:

I doubt you'll even see this amongst the millions of messages you get a day. Best believe, I saw it, I accepted it and I have not responded because I feel like you know, at the end of the day, if you have an intention, you're still doing it. Yeah, therapy might have opened your eyes, but you still created some type of trauma and some type of like resentment I feel Towards you, and I'm not gonna act like it's all good and dandy. Yeah, you apologize, but that makes you feel better. So what I mean by that is like everybody should just take accountability for their actions and really think about the things that they're doing in the long run to people, and really think about the things that you're doing.

Speaker 1:

So if you feel like you're putting someone in distress, sadness, upset or any of those emotions, I would suggest you rethink it, especially if you think you're gonna have to say sorry in the long run, just rethink doing that action. So yeah, that was my first time ever being ghosted by someone in a crazy way. So, with that being said, a lot of emotions are running high and we have the moon in cancer now. So if you're feeling a bit emotional and you're feeling like you can't go to sleep you're thinking about relationships with family, friends, even your partner it could be that time that cancer really shows up and shows that you might be wanting to be a little bit more vulnerable and more there, and I just wanted to thank everybody for always tuning in, joining me on my journey and giving me the best feedback.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, my name is Carmen Ramos and you're listening to my Cheek Intellition 엒. No, no, I don't think I don't. Do I feel under the bed. No, I don't think I don't. Do I feel under the bed. I feel under the bed. Please tell me why it's okay, why it's okay, why it's okay. Combat, combat.