Braving the Emotional Whirlpool: Navigating Through Venus Retrograde in Leo

July 30, 2023 Carmen Alicia Ramos Season 2 Episode 10

Ever felt like the world is spinning too fast and you're caught in a whirlwind of emotions? Well, you're not alone. As your host Carmen Ramos, I've had my fair share of navigating the high-strung energy brought by the Venus retrograde in Leo. My DMs have never been so full, with loads of people seeking my attention, projecting their insecurities and desires at me. It's intense, it's overwhelming, but hey, it's also a fantastic opportunity for growth.

In this whirlpool of attention, I've found it's crucial to maintain grounding. I've opted to take a break from dating during this retrograde, using this as a moment to reflect and set my priorities straight. This isn't about proving your worth to others or getting drowned in the tidal waves of attention. It's about self-improvement and setting the right course for your life, love, and business. So tune in, and let's brave this storm together, using the energy of Venus retrograde not as a setback, but as a launchpad towards greater things. Come join the conversation on MyChicIntuition!

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Speaker 1:

Hi everyone. My name is Carmen Ramos and you're listening to my Cheek and Tuition. See last week's episode. We were talking about Venus retrograde in Leo and how that energy is moving and how it will be moving till September 3rd. If you haven't listened to that episode, I suggest you go listen to it, because that's the energy that we're in.

Speaker 1:

I've been taking everybody with a grain of salt recently because I'm like we're in this Venus retrograde so I just have to chill out because there's going to be a lot of projection. I am right, my DMs are filled with it. There's so many guys that are like, hey, can we hang out, can I see you, can I hang out with you? And I'm just thinking right now it's not the time. You should know this, and it's funny because I can see them projecting like crazy. There was this one guy that was like, hey, I would love to take you out, but I feel like you're a big influencer in this set in 3rd and I'm just like, okay, you sound like you're projecting and you don't sound like you seriously want to take me on a date, because you're not coming at me in a sense, where it's like, hey, I'd like to take you out, you're just coming out of fear automatically. I'm not attracted to that. So, with that being said, I'm very particular in this moment because I'm like whoever is grounded at this time is the person that I feel like would be the right person for me, because I feel like, during this energy, a lot of people are going to be like, hey, look at me, it's that, leo, intense energy. So if you've been feeling that, like with guys or girls, like, hey, like you know, pay attention to me, pay attention to me. That's their ego and they haven't worked on that. So, with that being said, this energy is very intense and very fragile. I would say. I don't think anyone has explained it in this form, but I feel like a lot of people are like hey, look at me, I'm the best. I'm the best, you know, it's a lot of that, it's a lot of intensity and Leo brings that. So, if you can, you know, have that.

Speaker 1:

You know inter grounding, where you're just like, okay, everyone's energy is at an all time high and they're trying to prove something and you can notice it. That's when you're doing the work and you find it within yourself as well. This energy right now is for you to just clear your mind, make a list and just say these are the things that I want in my life, in love, in business, how do I grow? Grounding yourself right. This is an energy that you should be moving towards. So, when it reverses from retrograde, you're moving in a process where you're knowing exactly where you're going to rather than staying stagnant and staying in energy and being like why me? And being in that, leo, like look at me energy, rather than like being like, okay, moving forward energy, if that makes sense. So that's why I'm taking a little break right now from dating, because I'm just pacing myself in this energy, because I'm doing the work right now and grounding myself. So when you know I'm at the finish line of this retrograde, I'm like full speed running. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

So I just want to thank you guys for always listening and tuning in. My name is Carmen Ramos and you're listening to MyStreetComposition. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, five, six, seven, eight, five, six, seven, eight, five, six, seven, eight, five, six, seven, eight, five, six, seven, eight, five, six, seven, eight, five, six, seven, eight, five, six, seven, eight, five, six, seven, eight, five, six, seven, eight, five, six, seven, eight.