August 13, 2023 Carmen Alicia Ramos Season 2 Episode 12

Ever found yourself in a whirlwind romance that was unexpected, exciting, and stirred up a flurry of feelings within you? Well, buckle in, because I'm giving you the juicy details of my recent encounter with a prominent music producer! A man I've been communicating with online for six years, and whose recent visit finally shifted the entire dynamic. Our story spans from high-end eateries to chic, member-exclusive venues, with a surprise twist of a late-night snack run to his hotel room. 

As Mercury and Venus retrograde, it's fascinating how our inner child seems to surface, adding a playful yet refreshing layer to our conversations. Our deep and meaningful talks about his upbringing and our mutual love for snacks revealed to me a side of him that I couldn't help but admire. Join me as I recount the unfolding of this intriguing relationship and how these seemingly insignificant moments build lasting chemistry. Hear how the simplest gestures can evoke deep emotions. So, get ready to explore this electrifying journey on My Chic Intuition.

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Speaker 1:

Hi everyone, welcome back. My name is Carmen Ramos and you're listening to my Cheek and Tuition. See, last week's episode we were talking about my ex-husband and how he randomly called me during his Venus retrograde and we had a moment. So if you haven't tuned into that episode, I suggest you go listen to it. This week's episode we're going to be talking about a man that I just met recently, but we've been talking online for the past six years and we never took it anywhere. So we would just DM each other and whatever and just have like a back and forth banter, being cute, whatever.

Speaker 1:

So he hits me up and this producer is one of the biggest producers out there and he has done music with one of the biggest artists and his artist was actually doing a concert out here and he was just like you know, he's lit in the DMs and was like, hey, I'm in town. And I was like, oh really, you're in town, cool. And we just made plans. So he's like can you get ready? He's like we're going to go to this restaurant and we're going to go eat and then we can just chill and whatever. And I'm like all right, cool, I'm down, so I get ready. I'm looking super cute to the point where I'm putting it on my stories and people are saying like, hey, where are you going, the meccalla? And I'm just like eating it all up. I'm like, yeah, I look so good. So I'm feeling myself, I'm on my way to this date and he's there, he opens his door and he's like, oh, come, come to the table. And I'm like all right, and I'm already liking his vibe because he's like complimenting me and he's really being so. I'm like this is my kind of guy. I like him, I like how he looks, I like how he like interacts with me and everything. So I'm just like, you know, eating it all up and we're just there talking and vibing and he's just like asking me about me and I'm like, oh, I love this guy and like we have like the same like perspectives and views and we kind of have like a. We were, you know, getting in deep with our conversations and I really liked that about him because he's like really adamant about, you know, his mom and how he grew up and how you know he is from Canada and it like I feel like Canadians actually are on my top list now of like dating. So if you haven't got with a Canadian, I suggest, so the date's going amazing.

Speaker 1:

And then he's like oh, let's go to my friend's place that it's like kind of like the Soho house. I don't know if you guys ever been there, but the Soho house is a membership only place, and so this place is kind of similar in that aspect and it's pretty chic and pretty cool. Like you go on different floors and everything is just different themes. And we were at one of the floors and this is where everybody was at, like a whole bunch of artists and like other people, and I seen some of my friends over there and I was like, okay, I like this is a cool little vibe. It was like 20 people at most and we were just like having drinks and just talking and I was like, yeah, I'm really into this guy, he's pretty cool.

Speaker 1:

So then you know, later on that night he's like all right, like what do you feel like doing? He's like we can go back to my hotel room and I was like you know what? Not a bad idea, let's go. So we go there, and at that point I want snacks. I had some drinks to me and whatever. So we go to like this grocery store and I'm getting Funyun Doritos, I'm getting everything. He's getting a whole bunch of shit too, and he's like yo get whatever you want, I'm going to get whatever I want. And then you know we're just chilling, vibing out. So then we go back to his spot and I'm literally eating Funyuns. I could do not. I'm like I don't give a fuck, I'm fucking eating Funyuns. So I'm there having the best time of my life eating these Funyuns, talking to him, just enjoying my time, and I have not seen any red flags. I have not. So in this process I'm actually still dating him, so we'll see if he gets through date two or date three, who knows.

Speaker 1:

But so, with this energy, with Mercury retrograding and Venus retrograding, it's funny because I feel like your inner child comes out and just me talking to him and like learning about him and his upbringing and everything put me in a good place and a good vibe. And you know the small little gesture, even though, like you know, going to the restaurant was fun and also, like you know, enjoying that membership only place was pretty cool too I really enjoyed just going to that smoke shop and grabbing snacks. I don't know what it was about that little situation that actually like made me like him. Maybe he was like the little gesture where he was just like give whatever you want, like let's, let's do it. And we were just like bring your inner child out together.

Speaker 1:

So, with that being said, don't be shy. And bringing your inner child out sometimes when someone's doing the same thing, because I feel like that's how you create chemistry and get to learn someone. I just want to thank everybody for tuning in and listening to this episode and I always love your feedback, so thank you. My name is Carmen Ramos and you're listening to my Chic Intuition, my Chic Intuition, my Chic Intuition, my Chic Intuition, my Chic Intuition.