Pebbles and Love: My Chic Intuition Journey with Carmen Ramos

August 20, 2023 Carmen Alicia Ramos Season 2 Episode 13

Ever found yourself at crossroads, not sure if it's the cosmic energy making you reconsider past relationships or just your own confusion? That's exactly what's got me, Carmen Ramos, in a tight spot this week on My Chic Intuition. As I navigate the emotional turbulence of the Venus and Mercury retrograde, I find myself questioning past decisions and contemplating re-connections. As my inner peace is being tested, I invite you to ride along on this emotional rollercoaster, as we search for clarity amid the chaos.

Get ready for a bold new direction in the next season of My Chic Intuition! Brace yourself as I take you, dear listeners, on my romantic escapades - sharing my triggers, insights, and what I'm learning about relationships. Plus, you'll get a chuckle or two from my amusing takeaways from a video about penguin's pebble-gifting mating ritual. Are we all just penguins in the dating world, offering up our pebbles in hopes of finding our perfect mate? Join me next season to find out! For now, let's wrap up this season, thanking you for your companionship on this journey through the cosmos and chaos. See you next Szn!

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Speaker 1:

Hi everyone, welcome back. My name is Carmen Ramos and you're listening to my Chic Intuition. See, last week's episode, I was talking about bringing my inner child and how this Venus retrograde just made me feel that way. Now, this week's episode, I'm going to be talking about something that I've been feeling and I've just been like is it Venus retrograde and Mercury retrograde that's making me feel like I need to contact this person again, and I don't know if I should just chill out a little bit or I should just go with my gut feeling and just try it out. I feel like I don't know if it's because I literally made an episode about him and was just like not feeling it, and but there's something in the back of my mind where I'm just like is he maybe the person that I'm supposed to be with? Or am I just feeling all these emotions because Mercury retrograde is really retrograding right now? I am stuck in a hard place and I feel like I've been thinking about him since we've ended, but then again Mr Big has returned and he's just like you know, he's doing his deals and getting his work done and business done, and now he's just like hey, like I want to come see you again. So now I'm just like, okay, there's a lot going on for me, and there's also the guy from the sixth. So that's why I say you have to take Mercury and Venus retrograde with the greatest salt, because all these emotions and all this stuff comes up and you just have to wait it out till everything just levels out and you come to realize it was probably all these planets retrograding and you just have to like have your inner peace and not create any type of chaos during this time, because right now there's a lot of chaos. I think it's time for me to like mention also that this season is basically over and I am jumping into a new season with my Sheik intuition and it's going to be really different and really amazing, and you guys may just come with me on the dates. I know it's a lot going on and I feel like if you guys are with me on these dates and realize you know what I can be triggering or what triggers me, it can help me lead to Mr Right.

Speaker 1:

So, with that being said, like I said, venus retrograde has a lot of like pivot moments where I realize what I want in a relationship and what I don't want and who I want around me and who I don't, and it's a time to just have for myself. So right now I'm going to, you know, just take a break till next season and bring you guys with me for season three. I just literally had a Naha moment, like maybe last night, and I was watching like a TikTok video and there was like a little penguin who took a pebble right and gave the pebble to the female. And I looked it up and it was hilarious, because penguins usually give pebbles to the females that they want to be with, as, like you know, like they're asking to be with them. And it's funny because I'm like, wow, this is just like me with. I'm a little penguin out here puddling around like Mr Right, so you're going to come with me to you know, either receive these pebbled or leave them.

Speaker 1:

So, with that being said, thank you guys. So much for always tuning in and listening. This is the last episode for season two. My name is Carmen Ramos and you're listening to my Cheek and Tuition. This is your.